

3/5/25 – Membership – Nothing to report

2/20/25 – Board – Nothing to report

2/5/25 – Membership – Hank, ranges are open again. It was clarified that during hunting season, the ranges are open on Sunday afternoon. The schedule follows the Archery deer season.

1/16/25 – Board – Mike, nothing to report.

1/1/25 – Membership – Hank, nothing to report

12/19/24 – Board – Hank, nothing to report.

12/4/24 – Membership – Hank, all good.

11/21/24 – Board – Hank, all good.  Need some new backstops at pistol range and rifle range.  Will get that done Saturday.  Also going to burn pile of debris if weather cooperates.

11/6/24 – Membership – Hank, all good.  Joe noted the backstop board on rifle range blew off and needs put back up.  Hank will get it taken care of.  Reminder, ranges only open on Sundays from 1p-5p through hunting seasons.

10/17/24 – Board – Hank, all good.

10/2/24 – Membership – Hank, All good.  Remember all ranges closed during hunting season except 1-5 pm on Sundays.

9/19/24 – Board – Hank was absent, but Joe led the discussion.  Reminder that ranges are closed except for Sundays from 1p to 5p through hunting season.

9/4/24 – Membership – Hank, all done on pistol range.  Will work on rifle range next season.

8/15/24 – Board – Hank, nothing new.  Will finish backstop on next workday at pistol range.

8/7/24 – Membership – Joe, there were around 300 tires placed in the backstop on the last workday.  Special thanks to Hank and Josh McBride for all their work on this project.  There were many others helping that day but Josh brought his own equipment and moved a lot of dirt and tires.  There was a total of 27 people at the last workday which may be a record.  We want to thank everyone that came out we got a lot done.

7/18/24 – Board – Hank was absent.  Joe stated need to get quotes on excavator and get this moving.

7/3/24 Membership – Hank, thanks to all that helped on this past workday.  A lot was accomplished.  Looking at renting an excavator to finish backstop.

6/20/24 – Board – Hank was absent.  There was a lot of discussion about possibly renting an excavator to get the backstops done. 

6/5/24 – Membership – Hank, reminder sheriff will be here to shoot next week during the day.  Still working on back stop.  Will start placing tires soon.  It was noted by a member that the 100-yard target on the rifle range is only 97 yards.  Posts will be moved back during the next post setting.

5/16/24 – Board – Hank, James is working on getting a bigger excavator for the workday.  Next workday will start placing tires.

5/1/24 – Membership – Hank Webb, the hillside on the backstop at the pistol range was cleared this past Saturday.  Thanks to everyone that assisted.  They also cleaned out the shooting house on the pistol range and it can now be used.

4/18/24 – Board – Hank, getting ready to start on pistol range backstop.  Will make sure target holders are good for Sherriff Department to shoot.

4/3/24 – Membership – Joe Tucker for Hank Webb, weather has set us back on working the backstops but once gets drier we will let everyone know when work will begin.

3/21/24 – Board – Hank – Hank presented a plan to rebuild and improve backstops at both pistol and rifle range.  The plan is built to try and keep the ranges open as much as possible, but they will be closed when work is actively being done for the safety of everyone.  These dates will be posted on Facebook page and Web as they become available.  Step one is to remove trees and brush from hillside on Pistol range.  This is being planned for the workday on March 30th, weather permitting.  There are volunteers that expressed interest in helping and they will be notified as needed.  Anyone wanting to see plan ask Hank and he will be glad to share.

3/6/24 – Membership – – Hank Webb, also very soggy.  Looking to rework backstops and use old tires that are at Owens property.  A plan will be approved at the board meeting and work will begin.  There was a question from Randy Swihart about extending the rifle range out to 200 yards.  The response was yes, it is part of a plan but backstops need to be increased first.  May not be this year but is part of long term plan.

2/15/24 – Board – None

2/7/24 – Membership – None