3/5/25 – Membership – Today is the 30th day after deer season closed. All blinds and stands should be down. Please make sure you clean any markers or trash from your stand too.
2/20/25 – Board – Another speeder reported. Please be mindful even though hunting season over people and animals still around. Also, all blinds and deer stands must be removed by March 3rd, 2025. Joe and Ron will be checking in March. Also, please remove any markers or trash as you take down stands. Ron will also be creating a spreadsheet to track any infractions reported.
2/5/25 – Membership – Joe, reminder that deer season ended February 3, 2025. Members have 30 days to remove stands and blinds from that date.
1/16/25 – Board – Ron, just a reminder deer season ends on February 3rd, 2025. Members have 30 days to remove stands and blinds from the end of season.
1/1/25 – Membership – Ron, this weekend is muzzleloader deer season. No small game hunting and shooting ranges will be closed.
12/19/24 – Board – Ron, all pheasant hunters please take one hen and one cock bird per membership.
12/4/24 – Membership – Ron, I have been hearing a lot of complaints about speed coming in driveway. Please slow down.
11/21/24 – Board – – Ron, all good. Reminder to SLOW DOWN on driveway to all. Lots of dogs are running this time of year.
11/6/24 – Membership – Ron, everyone is getting along fine. Please remember to SLOW down coming and going. A lot of people and dogs out this time of year. A question was asked about how many stands a member could have on the property. Per the standing rules each member is allowed to have not more than two.
10/17/24 – Board – Ron, had a deer stand dispute from a member. Reported that another member hung a stand too close to their tree stand. Upon investigation the member was correct. The member that was too close was also told he had several violations in addition to being within 50 yards of another stand, too close to a food plot, not properly identified on the map. The member in violation quickly resolved the conflict by removing his stand and he was thanked for his understanding and cooperation.
10/2/24 – Membership – Ron, all good so far. If anyone encounters any stands or blinds unmarked, please contact Ron. Also, remember to wear orange to and from stand/blind. Joe added to please welcome new members and invite them to hunt with you. Remember everyone here was a new member at some point so offer to help the new members and be great sportsman.
9/19/24 – Board – Ron, reminder to review standing rules for hunting season. Deer hunters are to wear orange to and from stands and blinds for safety.
9/4/24 – Membership – Ron, reminded everyone to read the standing rules again as hunting season has started. It is recommended that people wear orange when in woods and fields during hunting seasons.
8/15/24 – Board – Ron, nothing new was brought to my attention. A member brought a concern up about a person with many guests at pond. Ron will contact the person and restate guest policy.
8/7/24 – Membership – Ron, nothing to report. Activity is picking up as hunting season nears so, please everyone be safe out there. He noted he will cover Deer Stand/Blind procedures under new business.
7/18/24 – Board – Ron, nothing new to report.
7/3/24 Membership – Ron, at the board meeting Ron was told of a member fishing and a visitor taking pictures. The visitor was not signed in. Ron called the members and gave a friendly reminder that everyone MUST sign in, including visitors. The proper process is for the member to sign in and then on the line below you sign in your visitor and put “guest” in the member number field. He left his contact information if the member had any questions, and he didn’t receive a reply. Ron also noted, the Facebook page is used to promote our club and events to the public. If you have a concern or question, we ask you to contact a board member. All of our numbers and contact information is on board by sign in desk. We will respond to your questions and concerns quickly.
6/20/24 – Board – Ron, nothing to report. Tim informed the group of a member fishing with a friend. The friend did not sign in and was only taking pictures. Ron will contact the member and remind that all guests need to be signed in and only one guest is permitted per year, and they are not permitted to hunt or fish.
6/5/24 – Membership – Ron, reminder to sign in and out. It was noted a member was picnicking at the pavilion by the upper lake and had not signed in. Please sign in and out anytime you are here. A member made a comment he overheard a member bad mouthing the club at Lowe’s. Ron asked these kinds of things need reported to him and he will have a discussion with the member,
5/16/24 – Board – Ron, nothing to report.
5/1/24 – Membership – Ron Robinson, nothing to report. Everyone seems to be getting along and following the rules.
4/18/24 – Board – Ron, nothing to report everyone seems to be following rules.
4/3/24 – Membership – Ron Robinson, nothing to report everyone is getting along nicely.
3/21/24 – Board – Ron – He verified remaining deer stands were removed within time limits. Nothing else new to report.
3/6/24 – Membership – Ron Robinson, Joe and Ron drove the Can Am and walked the whole grounds this past Monday looking for tree stands and blinds. There were three found. Two members were given a week to get them down and the third was taken down because it was not properly identified. It is a climber stand and will be up for sale if not claimed by the time the corn roast comes around.
2/15/24 – Board – Ron Robinson will lead this area.
2/7/24 – Membership – None, remember all tree stands and blinds need to be removed by March 4th, 2024.