Membership Process

Richland County Fish & Game Protective Association Inc


January and February Membership Meetings (1st Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.) and the January Board Meeting (3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m.) are the only opportunities to apply for a membership.  All applicants must apply in person and return the application at that time to the Membership Secretary.  Two current members’ signatures are needed on the application or the applicant may be interviewed by the Board of Directors.  Members must be present to sign the application.

After the January 31 dues deadline for current members, the Membership Secretary will notify the Board of the number of openings for the upcoming year.

Openings will be filled in the following order:

  1. Immediate Family – Parents, children and grandchildren. (If there are not enough openings for all Immediate Family Applicants, a Random Draw will be done.)
  2. Military – Active; Retired or Inactive with Honorable Discharge. (If there are not enough openings for all Military Applicants, a Random Draw will be done.)
  3. Applicants who were not drawn the previous year and re-apply. (If there are not enough openings for all who re-apply, a Random Draw will be done.)
  4. Openings for all other applicants will be by Random Draw.

Board Approved – 4/18/2024