Constitution of the Richland County Fish and Game Protective Association, Inc.
Revised Dec. 2022
We, the members of this association, having united to establish a permanent organization for the objectives and purposes hereinafter, to ordain and establish this constitution for the government of this organization.
Article 1
Name and Location
This organization shall be known as the Richland County Fish and Game Protective Association Incorporated. It shall be located at 1360 Poth Road or adjoining parcel to 1360 Poth Road.
Article 2
Purpose and Objective
This association is organized and maintained for the purpose of promoting education and practice in the restoration and conservation with particular emphasis on forest, water, soil and wildlife; to support an effective conservation program for and by the state of Ohio, and to co-operate with all other like-minded citizens and organizations; to promote good fellowship and good citizenship, to inculcate regard for the rights of others and respect for and obedience to the law; to acquire by purchase, lease, gift or otherwise, such real estate and other property as maybe required to establish reserves, preserves and recreational facilities, and to improve such property for the use of the members.
Article 3
Section 1
Any citizen interested in the objectives of this association may become a member thereof by making application for membership, subject to approval by the board of directors, and payment of dues as provided in the by-laws.
Section 2
An adjudicated felon cannot be a member.
Article 4
Organization Government
Section 1
This organization shall consist of the following executive and administrative bodies, in who is vested the authority and responsibility for carrying out the objectives of the organization: (a) elected officers, (b) board of directors.
Section 2
The board of directors shall consist of not more than seven members elected for two-year terms. The officers of the association shall have the authority to hire any necessary employees and fix their compensation subject to 501(C)3, develop plans of co-operation with other organizations of like objectives, establish or abolish committees and regulate their operations in conformance with the constitution and by-laws, to accept or reject applications for membership and to fill any vacancies by appointment for the unexpired term which may occur in the offices of board of directors or executive committee.
Section 3
A quorum of not less than seven officers and directors shall be required to transact any official business for the association.
Section 4
Any organization within the Richland County Fish and Game Protective Association, Inc. collecting its own dues, under article 8, section 1, shall surrender such dues or funds to the treasurer of the Richland County Fish and Game Protective Association, Inc.
Article 5
Section 1
The following officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the association and shall serve for one year or until their successors are duly elected and installed: secretary, treasurer, and membership secretary. The offices of president and vice president shall hold office for two years with staggering election, vice president elected on odd number years and president elected on even number years. No voting may be permitted by proxy.
Section 2
The president shall serve as executive head of the association, and shall preside at all meetings, thereof. He shall be an exoffico member of all committees and shall perform all duties incumbent to his office, including removal of any officer or committee chairman for failure to perform the duties of his office. The president shall operate within the 501(C)3 requirements.
Section 3
The vice president shall assist the president, by council and otherwise, and shall perform the duties of the latter in case of disability or absence. The vice president shall assist to help oversee the association is operating under 501(C)3 requirements.
Section 4
The secretary shall keep the minutes and other official reports of the association. He/She shall conduct the official correspondence of the association. He/She shall keep all records, books, documents and papers in relation to the association in such place as shall be designated by the board of directors. The secretary shall be acting president in absence of both president and vice president.
Section 5
The treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the association and shall deposit said funds in a depository designated by the board of directors. He/she shall collect all fees and dues from the membership secretary and sign all checks issued by the association. He/She shall keep the accounts of disbursements and receipts so as to disclose the condition of any fund at any time. He/She will be bonded for three years of operating funds, premium for said bond to be paid by the association.
The financial reports should be made available upon request at any member meeting by the treasurer.
Section 6
The membership secretary shall be responsible for keeping a roster of all active members of the association, shall collect dues as established by the by-laws, issue membership cards and mail notices and other communications to the members as directed. They shall deliver all dues to the treasurer at least once a month.
Article 6
Funds and Appropriations
Section 1
No expenditures for any purpose whatsoever shall be made unless the money therefore is on hand and available, and then only for such purposes as may be authorized by the board of directors of the association, authority for which is hereby granted to the president and secretary, if more than 50% of the cash on hand (non investment) is to be spent a special membership meeting will be called to vote on purchase, except for the purchase of real estate as outlined in article 2.
Section 2
Free membership shall be granted to all returning military service personal who were active members or children of active members, limited to the remaining current membership year starting the date of honorable release from active duty.
Section 3
Failure to pay the annual dues before January 31st of that year, will result in loss of membership.
Section 4
The board and officer’s dues shall be waived in leu of compensation for their duty period.
Section 5
Funds appropriated to any committee of the association shall be expended solely for the purpose intended. Any unused balance of any appropriation on hand at the end of the fiscal year shall be reported to the treasurer and held earmarked in the general fund or deposited in an interest-bearing account in the name of the association.
Article 7
Nomination and Installation of Officers
Section 1
The newly elected officers and directors shall be duly installed at the January membership meeting of the association.
Article 8
Section 1
Offenses cognizable by the association are (a) disobedience of this constitution or the standing rules, (b) an offense involving moral turpitude against the laws of the state or nation, (c) willful misappropriation of money or property belonging to the association, (d) conduct prejudicial to good sportsmanship or (e) failure to perform duties of office or inexcusable absence from three consecutive officer’s meetings.
Section 2
All accusations that could cost membership status shall go through an unbiased investigation with report presented to president and vice president to be presented to the board for decision, at the next board meeting or a special board meeting. Other infractions shall be handled by the board.
Section 3
Penalties shall be either (a) cancellation of membership, (b) suspension for a definite period, (c) degradation from office (d) fine and reprimand or (e) loss of privileges.
Article 9
Section 1
This constitution may be amended by the affirmative vote of the majority of the active members present at any annual meeting of the association provided that (I) the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the secretary of the board of directors or five or more voting members at least 60 days prior to the annual meeting, (2) voting will take place at annual meeting.
Section 2
If the amendment is adopted, it shall become operative immediately.
By Laws
Article 1
Ratification and Amendments
Section 1
These by-laws may be amended at any membership meeting of the association by a majority affirmative vote of the members present. The amendment must be submitted and approved by the board and officers prior to the vote.
Article 2
Section 1
Regular meetings of the association shall be held the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the club house located at 1360 Poth road.
Section 2
Special meetings may be called by the president, with the approval of the board of directors, when deemed necessary.
Section 3
Whenever one-third of the voting members shall make a written request to the president for a special meeting, specifying the object of the meeting, and it is approved by the board, notice will be sent by normal convenances of the day.
Section 4
The board of directors and officers shall meet at least once a month on the third Thursday of each month at the club house located at 1360 Poth road.
Section 5
The December membership meeting be designated as the annual meeting.
Article 3
Order of Business
Section 1
Order of business at regular meetings of the association shall be as follows; call to order, reading of the minutes, treasurers report, presentation of bills, reports of officers and committees, old business, new business, adjournment, and entertainment as scheduled.
Section 2
Order of business at special meetings shall be at the discretion of the presiding officer.
Article 4
Quorum and Order
Section 1
A quorum of seven voting members shall consist of a reasonably equal representation of members from the various divisions of activity within the association and shall be required only when deemed necessary.
Section 2
In the decision of all points of order, Roberts Rules shall be the authority along with 501(C)3 requirements.
Article 5
Section 1
Committees shall be appointed by the president subject to approval by the board of directors as may be deemed necessary.
Section 2
The appointed chairperson of each committee shall have the authority to select one or more members to serve on their committee, as well as to discharge any or all members of their committee.