Building and Grounds


3/5/25 – Membership – Renter renewed rental agreement.  Zero turn mower in shop.

2/20/25 – Board – Snow plowing bill paid.  Gordy has notified him he can take the truckload of clay targets anytime.  Had water leak in restroom repaired.

2/5/25 – Membership – Steve, nothing to report.

1/16/25 – Board – Steve, driveway has been plowed twice. Steve or Mike are the only ones to be calling for the service. There also was a mouse seen in the kitchen. Poison has been put out.

1/1/25 – Membership – Steve, nothing to report.  He did mention he spoke to Gordy about storing a truck load of clays and he said he could do after mid-March.

12/19/24 – Board – Steve, nothing to report.

12/4/24 – Membership – Steve, nothing to report.

11/21/24 – Board – Steve, UTV serviced and back in garage.  Received a quote on snow removal from E and H Property Management.  Looking for another quote.

11/6/24 – Membership – Steve, getting bids for snow removal.  Working on zero turn mower. Can Am is also being serviced.

10/17/24 – Board – Steve, bathroom and pipes repair is complete.  Would like to get more cleanup done around buildings before snow flies.

10/2/24 – Membership – Steve, drain in lady’s restroom is clogged and we have a leaky pipe in basement.  We have received a quote from Mr. Rooter and there is a second plumber coming to give a second quote.

9/19/24 – Board – working to replace some wood on the shooting stand and will be purchasing two new 3D targets. Building/Grounds – Steve, most of the board members took a tour of the basement prior to the meeting.  We need some plumbing work done.  Currently the sink in the lady’s restroom is clogged and the pipes are bad.  There are also some old copper water pipes in the basement that are in bad condition.  Mr. Rooter was out and provided a bid to get corrected.  We are seeking a second bid currently, but the work needs to be done very soon.  We also have a weed eater out being repaired.

9/4/24 – Membership – Steve, going to try and get picnic tables stained before end of season.  Need to spray mildew on siding on the clubhouse.  He has obtained some spray and will get done.

8/15/24 – Board – Steve, he and his wife will be providing lunch for the next workday.  Will be picking up 10 dozen ears of corn the day before picnic.  Replaced belt and blades on the zero turn.  Gutter on pavilion needs replaced.  Going to be working on the entrance sign next.

8/7/24 – Membership – Steve, completed staining of the memorial pavilion and sign.  Thanks was given to his wife for her efforts.  Will be doing the entrance sign tomorrow and updating it.   Sealed the electrical box.  Could use some volunteers to help mow the rest of the growing months.  Our renter who usually does this is sidelined with a health condition.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

7/18/24 – Board – Steve, renter used the wrong oil on the zero turn, so he had to drain and service it.  All seems to be good so far.  Still could use help trimming.  Will seal door on electrical box this Saturday.

7/3/24 Membership – Steve, not present.  Joe noted that he and his wife Laura, came out Monday evening and cleaned the goose poop off the pavilion.  It looked nice.  They did a great job!

6/20/24 – Board – Steve, His wife and Steve came out and trimmed all around the buildings.  Need more people to help with trimming.

6/5/24 – Membership – Steve, new sign at end of driveway.  Special thanks to Megan Chandler for the design and helping put up.  A new cover was put over the electrical panel.  Need assistance with weed eating.

5/16/24 – Board – Steve, working on sign for end of driveway.  New door on electrical panel access door.  Received another quote on sealing the driveway after culvert repair.  We need to compare quotes.

5/1/24 – Membership – Steve Chambers, Thanks to Cory and Dan for putting up the Handicap signs in the parking area.  New “Members Only” sign for the end of the driveway is being designed.  Will have proposal soon.

4/18/24 – Board – Steve, Parts are in at Gravely for zero turn will get this week.  Will be putting up handicap parking signs on Saturday.  Please only use them if you are handicapped.  Need to construct a ramp to the wooden shed so the zero turn will go in easier.

4/3/24 – Membership – Steve Chambers, Parts for zero turn are in at Mid-Ohio Gravely he will pick up this week.  Once the weather dries up need to clean around out buildings.

3/21/24 – Board – Steve – Was notified by neighbor Deb Noel about an upcoming hazardous disposal event at Richland County Fairgrounds on April 20th, 2024.  Going to go through garages and buildings to see what we can get rid of.  There is a long list of what they will take.  This is a free event.  There will another one in the fall on October 19th, 2024.  She recommended we be in line early as it is a very popular event.  There are parts on order for the Gravely zero turn and those should be in soon. 

3/6/24 – Membership – Steve Chambers, weed eaters, chain saws and other miscellaneous equipment have all been serviced and ready for use.  He has also had the Gravely zero turn mower serviced and even though it has a lot of hours on it it is in good working order.  Ready for workday on March 30th.

2/15/24 – Board – Steve Chambers will be responsible for leading this area.

2/7/24 – Membership – None