

3/5/25 – Membership – Ice is thin check before going out on it.

2/20/25 – Board – Frozen, be sure to check ice if fishing.

2/5/25 – Membership – Jeff, be sure it is safe before ice fishing.

1/16/25 – Board – Jeff, people are catching fish through the ice. Make sure it is safe but good fishing. Tim Maust added he has obtained an underwater camera and will use in upper pond to see what is happening to perch.

1/1/25 – Membership – Jeff, nothing to report

12/19/24 – Board – Jeff, nothing to report.

12/4/24 – Membership – Jeff, nothing to report.  Ice is very thin.

11/21/24 – Board – Jeff, All good.  People catching trout.

11/6/24 – Membership – Joe, put in 450 trout in lower pond.  People are catching fish.

10/17/24 – Board – Jeff, ordered 450 trout to be delivered 10/26/24 around 10am.  Could use help dumping them in lake.

10/2/24 – Membership – Will cover later under new business.

Fall Fish Purchase/New Lake – Joe started the discussion by stating we must do something with the upper lake.  We have a bass problem.  The bass are eating all the perch we put in.  We need to catch the bass out of the lake.  We are removing all limits on bass in the upper lake effective immediately.  We will not purchase any perch this fall until we know the bass have been removed.  We will purchase trout for the lower lake.  Jeff Williams gave the bass and perch numbers from January to June of 2024.  There were only 11 bass removed from the lake and only 170 perch taken from the upper lake.  We put in 700 perch in the spring.  The bass have eaten them.  Please catch the bass and remove them from the upper lake.  Take them and eat them.  It was also noted that when we do stock fish from now on, we will not allow fishing for a week after stocking to give the fish a chance to adjust to their new environment.  Joe noted that when fish were stocked this spring there was members with poles in hand waiting to fish.  This doesn’t give the fish a chance.  We appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation.

9/19/24 – Board – Jeff was not there but Joe led the discussion.  We really need to do something about the bass in the upper pond.  They are eating all the perch.  Options were discussed and will be brought to the membership at the next membership meeting.  It was suggested to remove the limits on bass and ask members to catch them and remove them from upper pond.  If don’t want to take and eat move them to lower pond.  It was also discussed what fish to purchase in the fall.  It was decided to wait on purchase until membership decides what to do about bass in upper pond.

9/4/24 – Membership – Jeff absent nothing to report.

8/15/24 – Board – Jeff, need to find where airline to lake goes in and route better.  Open to suggestions on perch and how to go forward.

8/7/24 – Membership – Jeff, Tim is working on getting an underwater camera to scan upper lake to see the health of the perch population.  It was mentioned that a couple of long time members have not been able to catch any fish in this pond for a while now.  The board is looking into this and trying to determine why.

7/18/24 – Board – Jeff, big thanks to Misti Clark for putting fish numbers together from sign in logs.  Numbers are below:

2024 Fish Report

Jan Thru Jun

Monthly Totals17577828614585

Spring Stocking April 4th

Trout200$6.00 $1,200
Yellow Perch 6-8″300$4.00 $1,200
Yellow Perch 8-10″100$5.50 $550
White Amur6$14.00 $84
Pond bacteria$750

It was noted that more trout have been caught so far this year than we stocked in the spring.  This is a good sign that the ones stocked in the fall survived well.  Trying to get someone with immersible camera to look at bottom of upper pond to observe the state of the perch population.

7/3/24 Membership – Jeff, not present.

6/20/24 – Board – Jeff, all is good.  People are catching fish.

6/5/24 – Membership – Jeff, thanks to Mike for mowing around the lake.

5/16/24 – Board – Jeff, all good.  He thanked Ron and Ken Oney for getting chemicals in pond last workday.

5/1/24 – Membership – Jeff Williams is absent.  Ron Robinson stated that the algae chemicals were put in the lake on Saturday by himself with the assistance of Ken Oney.  He also mentioned neither one of them fell in.

4/18/24 – Board – Jeff, Lakes are good.  Jeff and his son will be putting bacteria chemicals in on Saturday.

4/3/24 – Membership – Jeff Williams, spring fish delivery will be tomorrow (4/4/2024) mid to late morning.  Anyone available to assist are welcome to help. 

3/21/24 – Board – Jeff – The overflow on the upper pond has been repaired.  He also stated he has pricing for fish for the year.  Fish to be purchased was discussed at length.  See notes under New Business.

3/6/24 – Membership – Jeff Williams, also wet.  Need to get overflow on upper lake fixed.  Need to secure the fencing around it.  Will get done soon.  There was a question from Dave Merle about how many fish will be purchased.  Joe responded this will be decided at the board meeting and will depend on budget and cost, but we are sure it will be very close to that of previous years.  There was another question about tracking of what is being caught.  This is being tracked but very hard with how people are signing in and out.  We are going to highlight sign in and out procedures when we review standing orders.

2/15/24 – Board – Jeff Williams will lead this area.

2/7/24 – Membership – None