Club Standing Rules
Standing Rules of Membership
(Revised 03/2024)
General Rules
1.As a member, you are always part of our team promoting
Sportsmanship, Safety, and Conservation.
2.All members must sign in upon arrival and sign out upon departure. Please print LEGIBLY and include the following:
Membership Number.
Activity (Please be Specific).
Type of game or fish taken.
Arrival time.
Departure time.
3.All vehicles must be parked in designated areas. Common sense will be exercised by members. Do not drive on wet ground.
4.Be prepared to show your Membership card and/or your ID if asked.
5.Members shall conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times.
6.Members may cut firewood (dead trees only) on club grounds for their personal use only. The sale of firewood cut on club grounds will result in loss of membership.
7.Cutting firewood or running dogs in or around fields entered in the CRP program is prohibited from March 1st-July 16th due to Woodcock nesting season. Brush piles and den trees are off limits as well. They are registered wildlife habitat, enrolled and under contract in a CSP program.
8.The Club President and Vice-President will schedule the use of the clubhouse for members who wish to rent it for a family function. Outside organizations or non-members can rent the clubhouse as well, subject to approval. Fees are as follows: $100 for members and $150 for non-members. A $50 non-refundable deposit is required at the time of reservation. The balance is due the day of the rental.
9.The Board Member assigned to buildings and grounds will be responsible for overseeing the tenant. Any reference concerning the tenant should be directed to the assigned Board Member in a timely manner.
10.New members must attend orientation. New members are required to attend a minimum of 2 workdays and report them to the Membership Secretary.
11.The Board of Directors has established a Safe Zone that is posted around the parking lot, clubhouse, pheasant pen, and yard area. No loaded firearms or discharging of firearms in these zones, unless engaging in trap or sporting clay events.
12.Dog training is allowed on club property in Fields 13 and 24 ONLY.
13.Current dues for present members wishing to renew their membership must be paid/postmarked by January 31st. Any member that neglects to pay by the deadline will be subject to the reapplication process. If your membership is vacant for more than a year, you will be required to pay the initiation fee. Any special circumstances should be presented to the Board before the January 31st deadline.
14.Individuals interested in obtaining a membership application must personally obtain an application at the January or February MembershipMeetings or at the January Board Meeting from the Membership Secretary. The fully completed application must be returned by the new applicant to the Membership Secretary during that same meeting.
15.New members must be eighteen years of age to apply for membership, unless they are already hunting with or related to a current member and with Board approval. New members are subject to an initiation fee plus current membership fee.
16.Candidates running for office or board positions must be present on the night of elections.
17.The Board of Directors may add or delete items from the list of Standing Rules, as directed by the membership.
18.Violations of the Constitution or Standing Rules will result in the member appearing before the Board of Directors, at which time appropriate action may be taken.
19.Preservation of club funds:
The President, Vice-President and Treasurer will have access to the club’s checking, savings, and CD accounts.
All disbursements and deposits, with accompanying receipts and bills, are to be presented to the Treasurer at the monthly board meeting.
The Treasurer will be responsible for balancing the checkbook each month.
A two-person oversight committee from the membership will review supporting documents for disbursements and deposits and review checking, savings, and CD accounts.
20.Transparency of club funds:
Any club expenditure exceeding $200 must be brought to the Board for approval prior to purchase being made.
Any check to be written for greater than $500 must be signed by the Treasurer and initialed by the Club President or Vice-President.
Any proposed project requiring outside services which is estimated to exceed $2,000, must have three estimates submitted for bid. All bid responses must be presented to the Board before a final decision is made.
All funds to be deposited into club accounts are to be given to the Treasurer at the monthly board meeting.
The Treasurer will provide a written receipt to the Committee/Board Member in the amount of the funds to be deposited. A copy of the receipt will also be retained for the financial records.
Supporting documents of disbursements with associated cancelled checks will remain on file for review by any club members in good standing during each monthly membership meeting.
21.Hunters are encouraged to wear blaze orange and safety glasses.
22.Bow hunters are required to wear hunter orange while traveling to and from their stands during rabbit and pheasant season.
23.Hunting hours for rabbits and pheasants are from 9am to sunset. All other game animals not mentioned above are subject and established by the State of Ohio. Bag limits for pheasants are two (2) per day.
25.There are posted SAFE ZONE areas surrounding the pheasant pen. No shots may be fired within the zone or at any game inside the zone.
26.Both lakes and all wetland areas may be hunted for waterfowl, obeying State and Federal Regulations. (No shooting between 7:45am 9 am on all release days and also 11:45am 1 pm on double release days, for safety reasons.
27.A shotgun being used for upland hunting should not be capable of holding more than three (3) shells.
28.Sunday afternoon hunting is permitted in designated areas only. (No hunting down range of the pistol and rifle ranges).
29.All members hunting fields bordering a road will hunt toward the club house only, to avoid raining shot on our neighbors houses.
30.No releasing of birds in Field 17 unless all other fields are taken.
31.No organized deer drives are permitted on club grounds.
32.Tree stands and ground blinds shall NOT be set up before September 1st, and MUST be removed by March 1st. Turkey blinds may be put up 3 days before and taken down within 3 days of Spring turkey season ending.
33.The Deer stand/blind and Turkey blind procedure is to take a tag from the box and sign your name next to that number in the stand/blind registration sheet. Pick your location and attach the tag to your stand/blind and note your location, so that when you return to the clubhouse, you can add a description of the location on the registration sheet. Take an orange sticker and add it to the map to let others know your stand/blind location. Please use good sportsmanship in picking your location. DO NOT place your stand/blind within 50 yards of another person s stand/blind or any food plots.
34.No Screw in Steps may be used! If your stand does not have a tag, you will be notified, if possible, or it will be removed.
35.Current members parents may apply and become members; the waiting periods are waived for these candidates.
36.Non-members may hunt ONLY under the following rules:
A.A member may bring their spouse or a youth to hunt, provided the youth is under the age of 18 and has completed a Hunter Safety Course. Only two birds may be harvested per membership per day.
B.A member can bring a relative, who is home on leave from active duty with the armed services, to hunt. Only two birds may be harvested per membership per day.
37.No ATV/UTV allowed in the woods or fields, unless recovering a deer or deer stands. If you make ruts, you are responsible to fix them, even in the event of recovering an animal or putting up or removing a deer stand. Do not ruin the privilege for everyone. No ATV/UTV or vehicles in fields to feed deer or fill feeders.
38.Pheasant catch pen rules on release dates include: A. One member one bag with 2 birds max.
B.Only members are allowed in the pheasant pen.
C.If you are caught with more than 2 birds in your bag, you will be subject to Board review (possible loss of membership).
39.All members must sign in by 7:45 am for the morning hunt (but not before 5:00 am) or by 11:45 am for the afternoon hunt, NO EXCEPTIONS.
40.No hunting between 11:45am and 1 pm on double release days.
41.On morning releases, hunters must remain in their assigned field until 10:00am, and no other hunters are to enter your field until 10:00am. There are not to be any persons in any field, other than to be planting birds, from 8:00am to 9:00am.
42.On afternoon releases, hunters must remain in their assigned field until 2:00pm, and no other hunters are to enter your field until 2:00pm. There are not to be any persons in any field, other than to be planting birds, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.
43.Non-members may fish ONLY under the following rules:
A.A member can bring their spouse or a youth to fish, provided the youth is under age 18. Only one membership limit per day.
B.A member can bring a relative, who is home on leave from active duty with the armed services, to fish. Only one membership limit per day.
C.UNDER NO Circumstances can an adult non-member fish.
D.One catch limit per day per membership.
E.Swimming or wading is prohibited.
F.Fishing with minnows is prohibited.
G.No training of waterfowl dogs or dogs swimming while others are fishing.
Rifle and Pistol Ranges
44.The rifle and pistol ranges will NOT be used during hunting season.
A.The only exception is Sundays from 1:00pm-5:00 pm at which hunting is closed in Fields 11, 13 and 16 down range of the rifle, trap, and pistol ranges.
B.Ranges are closed except Sundays until the end of deer season.
C.Paper targets only on the rifle range and pistol range. Please dispose of your targets in the trash when you are finished. D. No tracer or incendiary rounds or Tannerite allowed.
F.All persons engaging in shooting are responsible for where their fired rounds land.
G.Please use the utmost Safety and common sense when on any range.
H.Members can bring one (1) friend one time a year to shoot on our ranges.
I.All guests must be signed in and out on the sign-in sheet on the line below the member to use the ranges.
J.Rifle and pistol ranges are closed during sporting clay shoots.
K.The rifle range is closed during trap shoots.
L.Please pick up your brass and shell casings when you are finished.
M.No shooting on the ranges before dawn or after dark.
45.The Archery range is located on the south side of the parking lot. A. Please use field points only when shooting targets.
B.Ranges are set up for 20, 30, and 40 yards and 3D targets.
C.Use the elevated stand at your own risk.